New Technology in Cars Making the Roads Safer

New Technology in Cars Making the Roads Safer

Cars and technology have been fantasized about for decades now, between James Bond and Batman, people have imagined all sorts of gizmos and gadgets to make their vehicle cooler. In the last few years, there has been a huge rise in the technologies that are implemented in automobile design. From ensuring safety to making your car as aerodynamic as possible, technology is being used in fascinating ways, and this is the top 5 coolest uses of technology in automobiles.Audi TT Spoiler Spoilers function by redirecting wind flow to increase handling and control by keeping the car on the ground. The spoiler actually uses the air rushing over the car to force the car lower. The Audi TT spoiler deploys itself at speeds over 75 miles per hour and retracts when the car goes below 50 to ensure the driver has optimal control of the vehicle. The function of the spoiler also looks like something out of science fiction.Gesture Controls Fiddling with the radio has definitely caused a few crashes in the past. You're looking down, trying to find that one song you used to jam out to, and you move just a little out of your lane. Fortunately, technology has traveled ahead of you to solve this type of problem. A small camera in front of your console captures your movements and reads it to your system telling it what to do. No more button fiddling, and no more reaching over to make it happen. Simply hold your hand out and use slight gestures with your fingers to make the volume go up or down or channels go back and forth.Mirror Free Cars In this case I am not referring to that old rusty truck your grandfather used to own. Companies like BMW have developed concept cars that actually use wide angle cameras and monitors to capture the views previously shown in your rearview mirrors. The monitors are placed where the old mirrors used to be and produce real time footage of what is going on around your vehicle. This technology actually increases the view of drivers because the cameras are able to capture more than the old mirrors where capable. This new technology may be seen in vehicles sooner than you might think. Japan has passed laws allowing the production of this type of vehicle, and Europe seems to be soon to follow suit.AutoPilot Yes, seriously. Autopilot functions are currently being beta processed in the Tesla line and have shown some very promising results. The Auto Pilot mode of the vehicle will actually speed up, slow down to a stop, shift lanes, and keep you in a specified lane. Because the software is not completely developed as of yet, Tesla warns any users to make sure and keep both hands on the wheel as if they were not being assisted. This type of technology, even in its beta stages, offer an entirely new level of safety. There are now two drivers watching the road at all times keeping all passengers away from dangerous situations. For example, those moments when you glance away from the road only to glance back just in time nearly missing the semi truck ahead of you. Those types of situations will be greatly alleviated with systems like auto pilot to assist in driving. Like KITT from Knight Rider, cars are becoming more like robotic assistants than shuttles to get you back and forth to work.Heads Up Display Heads up displays are not only cool but very functional. In the 80s, this type of technology was purely science fiction. In the 90s, there may have been a clock that used it as novelty. Now in many new 2017 models of high end vehicles, there is functioning holographic displays of your speed displayed on your windshield. This type of technology gives you the advantage of not having to glance down at the speedometer to assure you are not going too fast. That split second your eyes are not on the road is a breeding ground for disaster. Deer, other cars, and a million other causes of a crash could be waiting to cross the road at that very moment. The more your eyes are on the road the better off you will be.Infrared Cameras This military type technology, often used in night vision scopes or goggles, is now being used in vehicles to help prevent late night accidents. Your headlights on high may not give you enough time to pick up an animal in time to stop so that you do not have an accident. However, night vision technology can map out heat signatures from further off and tell you if you are in danger. Deer are the cause of one million car accidents each year. If there is a possible solution to this problem, it should be exercised to the fullest extent.Cars are becoming more and more technologically advanced. The modern car is packed full of gadgets to keep you safe. We all want to feel a little like Batman, and thanks to cars like the Tesla, the 2017 BMW line we finally can.